
The Group schema defines the structure of a group object in the API. The table below summarizes the key attributes of a Group:

idAuto-generated, Read-OnlyNoStringUnique identifier for the group.
nameUser defined, Required, Can be updatedYesStringName of the group.
statusCan be updated, Active or InactiveNoStringStatus of the group.
isFavouriteUser defined. false by defaultNoBooleanIndicates if the group is a pinned

There are other attributes that are all read only and are automatically handled by the backend. These are not important to understand when you are just working with the API but you will still see them in the response from the API.

createdByStringid of user who created the group
creationDateNumberTimestamp of when the group was created
lastModifiedByStringThe id of the user who last modified the group. This might be different from the value in createdBy in case the group is part of a workspace
modificationDateNumberTimestamp of last modification
currentOwnerStringDeprecated: Who owns the rule currently
objectTypeStringValue: group
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