How to avoid intercepting certain domains on the desktop app

Depending on from where you intend to intercept your requests there are multiple ways of achieving this

Existing browser profile

Step-1: prepare your blocklist

You can already define a blocklist - domains that remain unaffected by the Requestly extension inside the global settings of the webapp

Step-2: connect to the desktop app using the extension

If you have the Requestly extension installed inside your browser, you can connect that browser easily to the desktop app using the Connect To Desktop App button in the extension popup

While establishing this connection, the extension makes sure that the domains from the blocklist are not affected by the proxy settings and hence do not get affected by the rules on the desktop app either.

System wide proxy

When setting the systemwide proxy you can also define a bypass list. The steps for this differs based on the operating system that you use.

On MacOS, Open Settings and navigate to the details of the Wifi that you are connected to.

In the proxy settings, you can define a comma separated bypass list that makes sure that requests matching these entries aren’t affected by the systemwide proxy settings

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