Rules Not working

This explains how to troubleshoot if the rules are not working even if the Requestly extension is installed in the browser.

Check if permissions are given to the extension

  1. Visit chrome://extensions URL
  1. Click on the Details button of the Requestly extension
  1. Under “Site access”, choose “On all sites”

Check if extension is enabled in Settings

  1. Visit "chrome://extensions”
  1. Check if the extension is enabled or not.

Check if Extension is activated

It might be possible that you might have deactivated the extension by mistake. To activate the extension, follow the steps here

Check if status of Group under which rule is present is active

Groups allow you to organize rules into logical groups and enable/disable them in one go.

For a Rule to work, it’s group must be active.

Only XHR/Fetch Requests works from extension

If you are trying to hit the request directly in the browser and using Requestly Extension only. Please note only XHR/Fetch requests can be modified by the browser extension. For other type of requests, use Desktop App.

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