Writing Tests

Learn to write and execute API tests in Requestly using JavaScript, including validations like status code checks and JSON body tests.

Automated API testing ensures endpoints function as expected. Requestly allows you to write tests using JavaScript with the rq object enabling validations, schema checks, and automated workflows.

Common testing approaches include:

  • Contract Testing: Validate responses against JSON schemas.

  • Unit Testing: Test individual endpoints in isolation.

  • Error Handling: Verify API behavior for invalid inputs.

You can execute tests using either Pre-request scripts (run before a request is sent) or Post-response scripts (run after a response is received).

The Pre-request and Post-response tabs provide a scripting environment that allows dynamic behavior for API requests.

  • The Scripts → Pre-request tab enables processing before sending a request, such as setting variable values or modifying headers.

  • The Scripts → Post-response tab runs after receiving the response and allows for test assertions, logging, and response validation. This tab includes the Chai.js library, supporting behavior-driven development (BDD) syntax for test assertions.

Scripting Environment

Requestly provides a JavaScript runtime with built-in utilities. Here’s a quick reference table for key methods:




Define a test with a name and callback for assertions.


Use Chai.js BDD style assertions to compare values.


Access and manage environment variables.


Access and manage global variables.


Access response details (status, body, headers, etc.).


Access request details (method, headers, body, URL, etc.).

Writing Tests

To create a test, use the following syntax:

Requestly tests use Chai.js for assertions. For more details and examples, visit the official Chai.js documentation.

rq.test("Test name", () => {

Example Tests

Status Code Check

rq.test("Status is 200", () => {

JSON Body Validation

rq.test("User exists", () => {
  rq.response.to.have.jsonBody("user.name", "John");

Header Check

rq.test("Has auth header", () => {

Schema Validation

rq.test("Valid schema", () => {
    type: "object",
    required: ["id"],
    properties: { id: { type: "number" } }

Skipping Tests

rq.test.skip("Temporarily disabled test", () => {
  // This test won't run

Response specific assertions

The .to API is supported only for response data in Post-response scripts.

Status code assertions

// Success responses
rq.response.to.be.ok          // 2XX
rq.response.to.be.success     // 200
rq.response.to.be.accepted    // 202

// Client error responses
rq.response.to.be.badRequest   // 400
rq.response.to.be.unauthorized // 401
rq.response.to.be.forbidden    // 403
rq.response.to.be.notFound     // 404
rq.response.to.be.rateLimited  // 429
rq.response.to.be.clientError  // 4XX

// Server error responses
rq.response.to.be.serverError  // 5XX

// Other status categories
rq.response.to.be.error       // 4XX or 5XX
rq.response.to.be.info        // 1XX
rq.response.to.be.redirection // 3XX

.to.have assertions

// Checks if response body exactly matches expected value.
rq.response.to.have.body(expectedValue: string)

// Checks response status code or text.
rq.response.to.have.status(expectedValue: number | string)

// Checks if response has specified header (case-insensitive)
rq.response.to.have.header(headerName: string)

// Validates that response body is valid JSON.

// Checks if a path exists in the response.
rq.response.to.have.jsonBody(path: string)

// Checks if a JSON path has a specific value.
rq.response.to.have.jsonBody(path: string, value: any)
rq.response.to.have.jsonBody("user.name", "John");

// Validates the response body against a JSON schema. Accepts optional Ajv configuration.
rq.response.to.have.jsonSchema(schema: object, ajvOptions?: AjvOptions)

  type: "object",
  required: ["id", "name"],
  properties: {
    id: { type: "number" },
    name: { type: "string" },
    email: { type: "string", format: "email" }
}, { allErrors: true });

Negation with .to.not

All the above assertions can be negated by inserting .not after .to:

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