Import / Export Network Sessions

You can save your working session for debugging purposes. By saving your session, you can preserve all the debugging information, including network requests and responses, and any applied rules or modifications.


  • All the apps and domain information is preserved.
  • Sharing sessions with teammates is valuable for collaborative debugging. You can share your saved session file with others, allowing them to review the same set of debugging information.
  • You can review network requests, inspect response payloads, and analyze the sequence of events during the debugging session.
  • The sessions can be revisited later for analysis, knowledge sharing, or future reference.

Saving a network session

After intercepting the traffic, you can save a network session from the traffic table.

The saved sessions can be managed from the sidebar.

Exporting a network session

A nework session can be exported to HAR (HTTP archive) file. It is supported by all the network analyzer apps.

Importing a network session

A network session containing a HAR file can be imported from the session list in the sidebar. You can import a HAR file and view the sessions from the session viewer.

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