Billing Team

The Billing Team is essential in organizations for efficiently managing bulk license purchases, ensuring streamlined distribution and administration across members.

Roles in a Billing Team

There are three distinct roles within a Billing Team:

  • Billing Manager: This is the role assigned to the person who completed the purchase. The Billing Manager has complete control over the subscription, including the ability to upgrade, cancel, edit card details, and modify billing information. Additionally, the Billing Manager can appoint other members as admins and also perform all admin responsibilities.
  • Admin: Admins have the authority to assign or revoke licenses and appoint other admins. They can also check and pay pending invoices.
  • Member: Members do not have any administrative responsibilities. Their inclusion in the team allows them access to the extended limits and premium features.

Assigning/Revoking licenses in a Billing Team

  • Assigning license: The Billing Manager and the admins can assign licenses to new members of the team. This process involves selecting the members to be assigned from the list of members.
  • Revoking Members: Similarly, member’s license can be revoked by the Billing Manager or the admins.

Not a Part of Any Billing Team? Request Access to Join.

For individuals within an organization who are not part of any Billing Team but require access to premium features, there is a clear process in place. These users can view all available Billing Teams within their organization and request to join a suitable one. Upon this request, the Billing Manager and the admins of that team are notified, they have the authority to approve the request and assign the user a license.

Billing Team and Team Workspaces

The Billing Team ensures the effective management of licenses and billing, while Team Workspaces facilitate teamwork and collaboration within an organization. Both entities serve distinct purposes.

Access to premium features across the platform is determined by the individual's inclusion in a Billing Team and the specific plan they are under.

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