Rule Operators

When you create a modification rule, you will find the following operators:

  • Equals
  • Contains
  • Matches (Regex)
  • Matches (Wildcard)

Lets understand the use cases for each.

Equals Operator

Equals operator does strict matching of URL intercepted by the browser with the URL given in rule.


URL given in rule: Intercepted URL: (Observe trailing slash) Result: ❌ Does not match


Note a trailing / slash at the end of URL. A rule with Equals operator and URL as does not match You may consider adding Slash (/) at the end of URL in your rule. You can alternatively create two pairs in the same rule as well.

Contains Operator

Contains operator does a substring search of string provided in rule inside the URL intercepted by chrome.

Example 1

String in rule: yahoo Intercepted URL: Result: ✅ Match

Example 2

String in rule: com?a=1 Intercepted URL: Result: ❌ Does not match


com?a=1 is not a substring of a URL and hence it does not match.

RegEx Match Operator

Regex Match Operator matches a given Regex with the URL intercepted by chrome.

You can also use the values of group expressions in your destination URLs.


URL Matches (Regex): /(.+).google/ig Destination: https://$ Result: ✅ Match


In this case, above regex will be matched with intercepted URL. If regex is matched then $1 will be replaced in the destination URL and redirect will happen.

Wildcard Match Operator

Wildcard match operator matches expression with the URL intercepted by chrome.

We only support asterisk (*) as wildcard operator. * can match 0 or more characters in intercepted url.


Caution In wildcard match, complete URL is matched with given expression and \* can be replaced with respective values in destination URL.

Example 1

Expression: :// URL: Result: $1 = http, $2 = cricket

Example 2

Expression: *yahoo URL: (Note the trails does not match ie .com) Result: ❌ Does not match

Example 3

Expression: yahoo URL: Result: $1 = http://www. $

Example 4

Expression: http://* URL: (*Note the trailing */ slash in URL) Result: ❌ Does not match

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